田琳,女,贵州人,管理学博士,现为湖南大学教育科学研究院助理教授,担任SSCI期刊Higher Education匿名审稿人。
2018-2019,荷兰乌特勒支大学(Utrecht University),公派联合培养
2013-2014,英国爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh),理学硕士
[1]田琳., & 刘念才. (2021).世界一流大学的功能.上海:上海交通大学出版社.(即将出版)
[1]Tian, L., & Liu, N. C. (2021). Inward international students in China and their contributions to global common goods.Higher Education, 81, 197-217.(SSCI, Q1区)
[2]Tian, L., & Liu, N. C. (2019). Rethinking higher education in China as a common good.Higher Education, 77(4), 623-640.(SSCI, Q1区)
[3]Tian, L., & Wu, Y. (2019). Classroom choice-making for Chinese master’s students: Choice, motivation and learning contexts.Teaching in Higher Education, 24(7), 850-879.(SSCI, Q2区)
[4]Tian, L., & Liu, N. C. (2020). The influence of financing on leading Chinese universities: A perspective of common good(s).IAU Horizons, 25(1), 35-37.
[5]Tian, L. Wu, Y., & Liu, N. C. (2018). World-class universities and the common good.International Higher Education, 95 (fall), 14-16.
[6]田琳, &吴燕. (2020).从“公益”到“共益”:全球高等教育理念的转变.清华大学教育研究, 41(1), 71-79.(CSSCI)
[7]田琳, &吴燕. (2017).中英两国大学课堂选择的对比分析——基于学生对课堂选择的认识及其课堂选择水平.外国教育研究, 44(3), 48-57.(CSSCI)
[1]Tian, L., & Liu, N. C. (forthcoming). Globalizing as world-class universities’ special function / unique mission. In: N. C. Liu, Y. Wu & Q. Wang (Eds.),World-Class Universities: Global Trends and Institutional Models. Rotterdam: Brill Sense Publishers.
[2]Tian, L., & Liu, N. C. (forthcoming). The three functions of world-class universities in the context of internationalization and global common good. In: S. Marginson & X. Xu (Eds.),Internationalisation of higher education in East Asia. London: Bloomsbury.
[3]Tian, L., & Liu, N. C. (2020). The role of world-class and other research universities in contributing to the New Silk Road Initiative. In: M. C. van der Wende, W. C. Kirby, N. C. Liu & S. Marginson (Eds.),The New Silk Road: Connecting Universities between China and Europe(pp. 312-330). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[4]Tian, L., & Liu, N. C. (2020). Higher education in China: Rethinking it as a common good. In: C. Callender, W. Locke & S. Marginson (Eds.),Changing Higher Education for a Changing World(pp. 236-248). London: Bloomsbury.
[5]Tian, L. (2019). World-class universities: A dual identity related to global common good(s). In: Y. Wu, Q. Wang & N. C. Liu (Eds.),World-Class Universities: Towards a Global Common Good and Seeking National and Institutional Contributions(pp. 93-113). Rotterdam: Brill Sense Publishers.
[1]陈珏蓓,江雨橙., & 田琳(译). (2020).世界一流大学:面向全球共同利益和服务本土社会.上海:上海交通大学出版社.
[1]“高等教育国际化与大学的功用”,英国经济和社会研究理事会及英格兰高等教育拨款委员(ESRC/HEFCE)项目“高等教育的未来”(The Future of Higher Education)之子课题,2015-2020。
[2]“新丝绸之路(一带一路)对中欧高等教育与科研合作的影响”(The New Silk Road: Implications for Higher Education and Research Cooperation between China and Europe),荷兰乌特勒支大学(Utrecht University)国际合作课题,2017-2020。